The Public & Education Sector Databases. Over 200 thousand UK contacts.




  • Government contacts
  • Council contacts
  • NHS & healthcare contacts
  • Education contacts

There are some datasets which are particularly hard to find, this has never been more true than with the Public and Education sector. Utilising specialist resources within the industry, we provide highly accurate information for everything from Local and Central Government to NHS Management contacts through to individual roles within the educational system.

These are some of the more popular datasets available: Local Government Officers, Local Government Councillors, Parish Councils, Central Government and QUANGOS, MP’s, Schools, Further & Higher Education, NHS Management, GP Surgeries, Housing Associations & Care Homes.

Totalling over 200k contacts, each record has been meticulously researched to ensure accuracy. The majority of the records are updated on a three month lifecycle to ensure the contact you are calling, emailing or mailing is the contact that receives your marketing message.

We can profile this dataset to be as specific as you need. For example, as a general rule, schools come under two different headings: those that are privately funded (independent schools) and schools that are funded through their local authority. Depending on the type of school your campaign is targeting may well change the profiling options that we would put forward to you.

To ensure an extremely high level of accuracy, we can validate the contacts at the point of ordering. This guarantees that the contacts that you are marketing to are the right people, in the right roles, within the right organisations.

Another example of this would be for a campaign targeting key contacts in the NHS. As the NHS is the country’s largest employer, it can be particularly hard to track down the most relevant contacts to you. At UK Datahouse, we can profile your data requirements based on NHS Trusts, GP Surgeries, regional associations covering certain areas, such as Scotland or Wales, or the National Board.

It is always best to explain your campaign aims and objectives to one of our experienced staff and let us do the work to best profile the data as per your requirements. We will then put together a report to explain the volume of records that we are able to target, why we used the profiling options that we have and include some additional options, should you wish to cast a wider net.

In addition to this, if we do not currently have access to the type of profile that you require, we can run bespoke list building exercises on your behalf to find the people that you need to contact.

Next step: Whatever your requirement, why not speak to one of our experienced staff today and find out how UK Datahouse can help you to get in touch with the people that you need to reach, no matter how bespoke.