The Tech Insight Database. Over 700 thousand contacts worldwide.


  • Software & hardware users
  • 700 thousand plus contacts
  • 200 thousand plus companies
  • Throughout 36 countries

At UK Datahouse, we take pride in having access to both some of the largest databases available as well as some of the most niche databases. Targeting companies that use a particular type of hardware or software certainly falls under the second category.

Although these databases are particularly niche, they’re invaluable to both competing products as well as companies selling bolt on products.

We appreciate that it requires a higher level of sales person to break into a new customer and that the overall introduction and sales approach is a lot more in depth than your average telemarketing campaign. That is why it is crucial that the people that your staff are contacting are the correct people in the targeted organisation. Why spend 30 minutes explaining the advantages of your product over the competitors, which they are already using, only to find out that they aren’t the decision maker and that your expensive agent’s time has basically been wasted.

We understand that you and your staffs time is precious which is why through our continually refreshed list building activities and research, we have compiled a database of over 700k contacts from nearly 200k companies covering 36 countries.

The most popular products our clients wish to target are: SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, Microsoft Apps, CRM Users, IBM, BI Users and Epicor. Let us know what your requirements are and we’ll send you an estimate on the volumes we’ll generate.

Once you’ve told us which product you want to target, you can then profile against country (whether a specific country or economic region), business activity, employee bands, decision maker level (Chairman, Vice President, Director or Manager) as well as the company department (HR, Finance, Marketing etc…).

In addition to the main packages listed above, we’re able to run bespoke list building campaigns to target exactly the contacts you need in organisations locally or globally.

Next step: Whatever niche you are trying to target, why not contact one of our experienced staff members by phone, through live chat or by completing a quote request form and talk us through your requirements. We can then layout the various options, along with volumes and pricing and work together to find the best solution for you.